Project Profile


Conservation through Economic Empowerment in the Republic of the Congo



Project Name

Conservation through Economic Empowerment in the Republic of the Congo (CEERC)


Prime Contractor

Tetra Tech

Implementing Partners



Republic of Congo

Time Period

Overall CEERC Activity: July 2021 – June 2026

Resonance's activity: August 6, 2021 to November 17, 2023


Project Introduction

The Congo Basin ecosystem includes high biological diversity and ecological significance with many protected areas and species. Communities living near these protected areas are highly dependent on natural resources. These resources are consistently threatened by harmful practices such as poaching, logging, and clear-cutting. Rural communities have limited access to services and financing to support the development of alternative enterprises and livelihoods.

The CEERC activity identifies and promotes sustainable green enterprises and improves the enabling environment for conservation-friendly development, reducing threats to biodiversity, carbon-rich forests, and peatlands in the process.

In the first two years of the CEERC Activity, Resonance identified and prepared to develop partnerships with the private sector to help the project strengthen green economy sectors.


Despite being protected, the Congo Basin’s ecology is consistently threatened by poaching, illegal artisanal logging, and clearing forest for planting. Nearby communities depend on natural resources for their livelihoods. Yet, these rural communities have limited access to services and financing that would support the development of enterprises and alternative livelihoods.


The CEERC activity seeks to build private-sector partnerships, improve business opportunities, and increase the capacity of community enterprises to generate economic benefits from conservation-friendly activities and green business models.

The CEERC activity identified high-potential green industries and value chains in the ROC and analyzed market constraints and opportunities for collaboration.

Resonance’s role on the CEERC activity was to work with private sector entities, communities, civil society, the government, and other stakeholders to identify potential private sector partnerships, business-enabling market conditions, and potential green business economic opportunities for community enterprises.


In support of Tetra Tech’s implementation of CEERC, Resonance contributed to the effort to strengthen green economy sectors by facilitating private sector engagement and identifying potential partnerships and innovative resources. Resonance contracted with a Private Sector Lead-Business Incubator (PSL) to work closely in-country with the project team and stakeholders, and led a rapid innovation and partnership assessment (RIPA).

  1. Identify high-potential green industries/value chains in ROC and analyze market systems drawing on the RIPA to identify potential partners in the “green” value chains and industries prioritized by CEERC.
  2. Identify partnerships and innovative resources and solutions to support conservation through regular outreach and stakeholder engagement. Through this, the PSL will explore collaborative mechanisms that can support value chains and facilitate links between communities and market system actors.
  3. Work with companies, enterprises, finance providers, and others to facilitate the development of alliances and business partnerships in target areas and sectors based on CEERC’s priorities.

Key Results

Resonance’s support of the CEERC Activity’s objectives yielded the following results:

  • Facilitation of local stakeholder consultation meetings that identified market aspirations and barriers within value chains, as well as internal and external drivers of change. Also identified areas of alignment from which to build the foundation for partnerships.
  • Facilitation of technical consultations to share knowledge, verify initial findings, and develop strategy and tools for private sector engagement (PSE) in alignment with CEERC’s objectives and priority value chains.
  • Organization of a workshop to validate the preliminary partnership concepts.
  • Development of a due diligence screening tool to help CEERC and USAID assess potential risks to partnering with specific private sector entities, which is especially important in a thin market that is dominated by extractive industries.

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